Author: Marie LeBlanc

PwC Innovation Challenge UConn Winner

Please join The Graduate School in congratulating Mac Montana, winner of the UConn round for this year’s PwC Innovation Challenge. Mac is responding to the following question from the competition and will now continue on to the global competition.

We are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work; automation and “thinking machines” are replacing human tasks, changing the skills that organisations are looking for in their people. But what will the future look like? PwC has developed four scenarios in their Workforce of the Future study: a Red World where innovation rules; a Blue World where corporate is king; a Green World where companies care, and a Yellow World where humans come first.

Assuming you find yourself on a journey that looks like it ends in a “Green and Yellow Worlds” scenario where Companies Care and Humans Come First, what are the pros and cons for you? what skills will be important for individuals to thrive in this world, and how do you plan on adapting to it?

October Grad Gatherings

PuppyThanks to all who attending our Grad Gatherings Puppy Playtime event this October. We are grateful that North Star Dogs could partner with us to hold this event and hope to bring more dogs to campus again at some point in the future!

Tuesday, December 6th we will be holding another dog-themed Grad Gathering: Build-A-Husky. We will be in Student Union 304C from 5-6PM for folks to build their own stuffed animal husky while supplies last and enjoy some cocoa and cookies. We hope to see you there!

Sarah McAnulty receives AAUW Fellowship

SarahMcAnulty_WhaleSarah McAnulty of the University of Connecticut’s Department of Molecular and Cell Biology has received a American Association of University Women American Dissertation Fellowship. With this award, Sarah will conduct her thesis work on the Hawaiian bobtail squid and its symbiosis with a bioluminescent bacterium, Vibrio fischeri. Sarah’s work is uncovering how animal immune cells distinguish between their beneficial bacteria and others they encounter. For more information about AAUW Fellowships, please visit:

Marc Reyes receives Fullbright

Marc_ReyesMarc Reyes of the University of Connecticut’s Department of History has received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program Award to India from the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. Reyes will conduct research in Delhi, Mumbai, and Ahmedabad. He will be affiliated with Jawaharlal Nehru University’s School of International Studies. His project, “In the Circle of Great Powers: India, the United States, and the Postcolonial Atomic State, 1947-1974” examines the political and cultural contexts of India’s atomic energy program and U.S. involvement in the development of their nuclear weapons program.