University leadership understands the impacts of recent events and is working to evaluate options and coordinate official, accurate communications. As we work through these challenging times together, The Graduate School leadership team wants you to know we are here, and we want to support you.
Please join us in a safe space where we can share concerns, challenges, experiences, and develop ways to support one another.
- 2/10 at 4pm: Whetten Graduate Center, Graduate students
- 2/12 at 4pm: Whetten Graduate Center, Post-docs
- 2/17 at 4pm: Online session for Graduate students
- 2/17 Meeting link | Meeting ID: 232 435 219 926 | Passcode: m5R6KV23
Dial in by phone: +1 475-282-1761,,952096760# | Phone conference ID: 952 096 760#
- 2/17 Meeting link | Meeting ID: 232 435 219 926 | Passcode: m5R6KV23
- 2/18 at noon: Whetten Graduate Center, Graduate students
- 2/21 at 4pm: Online session for Post-docs – POSTPONED; NEW DATE TBD
Refreshments will be served at in-person meetings. More gatherings may be posted throughout the semester.
Please contact for information.