Annual Academic Reviews for Doctoral/MFA Students

Annual Reviews are critical for the success of your graduate students. As part of an ongoing effort to foster good graduate student mentoring and facilitate communication between graduate advisors and advisees, The Graduate School has developed resources that can help departments and advisors use annual reviews for doctoral and MFA students.

Below is a template for annual reviews that The Graduate School has developed. Its purpose is to provide a tool that programs can use to: (1) allow students to report and reflect on their progress and accomplishments during the previous year and plan their activities and efforts for the coming year and (2) aid major advisors in providing their graduate students with feedback on their progress to date and plans.

Importantly, the template is designed to be customizable. We expect programs to modify it—adding, changing, or deleting items—to suit the specific needs of their programs. Although use of this or any form is purely voluntary (that is, there is no Graduate School requirement that annual reviews of this sort be conducted), we strongly encourage programs to implement a process of annual review that incorporates student input on progress and plans.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the template itself or its use, please reach out to

Annual Academic Review Template

Guidance for Use of Annual Reviews


A Timely Topics session on annual reviews and the template is available, which discusses why annual reviews are important to graduate student success, reviews The Graduate School Annual Review template, and provides guidance on conducting annual reviews. (Slides, Video)