Admissions Resources

Graduate Admissions Application System

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Bringing Students to UConn

Procedures for new faculty bringing graduate transfer students to the University of Connecticut:

Faculty who are interested in bringing graduate students seeking transfer to the University of Connecticut, should advise their students to submit an application for admission using our online application system.  Please have students review the program's information, as well as The Graduate School's admission requirements, deadlines, and FAQ page before submitting an application.

Faculty and prospective transfer students are strongly encouraged to contact The Graduate School at the earliest opportunity to answer questions as needed. Please be as specific as possible when contacting so that we can direct your inquiry appropriately:

Phone: 860-486-3617

I have a student who wants to come with me to the University of Connecticut to complete his/her graduate program. What needs to happen to have the student admitted?

The student should apply for admission using the typical process outlined on our admissions pages.  Application fees are required ($75 non-refundable), but students may be eligible for a fee waiver, or programs may elect to pay the fee. Contact for more information.

Students must meet the minimum admission requirements set by The Graduate School, and should be expected to meet the additional requirements set forth by individual programs.  Once the application is submitted, the typical review and decision procedures in place for each program apply. Thus, expedition of an acceptance rests heavily on the timeline of review at the program level and submission of an admission decision t0 The Graduate School.

I have a student who has completed the majority of requirements for the degree at a prior institution, but wants to come to the University of Connecticut to complete the research components. How do I arrange this?

For any questions about this, please contact our Registrar's Office.

What are the minimum degree requirements set forth by the Graduate School?

The Graduate Catalog provides information related to Standards and Degree Requirements. Note that these requirements represent the minimum, and that individual programs often have set additional requirements for different fields of study and/or areas of concentration. Thus, students and new faculty should consult with their intended programs to fully understand expectations for a degree in the area.

What are the general rules related to transfer of graduate credits?

Specific rules governing transfer credits for each type of degree can be found within the Graduate Catalog within the Standards and Degree Requirements.

Note that time limits to degree apply to the transfer credits. That is, all degree requirements are to be completed within the prescribed period (e.g. 8 years) from the beginning date of the earliest course, wherever taken, listed on the approved doctoral plan of study.

For any questions about this, please contact our Registrar's Office.

Now that my student has been admitted, how do we determine an appropriate plan of study?

Review general expectations for degree requirements with program faculty and as listed in the Graduate Catalog.

For any questions about this, please contact our Registrar's Office.