Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award
Marth Award winner Maria Luz Fernandez with several of her students.
The Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award
The UConn American Association of University Professors (AAUP) established the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award to recognize the leadership and dedication of Edward Marth, former Executive Director of the UConn AAUP Chapter, and to encourage and reward outstanding mentoring of graduate students by UConn Graduate Faculty members. Recipients of the award have had direct and significant impact and involvement with graduate students, outstanding commitment and effectiveness as a mentor of graduate students at UConn, and have demonstrated unusual effort to provide consistent mentoring of graduate students during the course of their careers.
Recipients of the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award are UConn Graduate Faculty members who have extraordinary records of excellence and effectiveness in activities such as facilitating smooth transitions for both entering and exiting graduate students; showing sensitivity to students' academic, personal, and professional goals and needs; being accessible to students; playing an active role in coaching graduate students through the graduate school experience and connecting them to appropriate intellectual and professional networks; and, guiding graduate students toward intellectual and professional independence.
Nominations for the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award
The Dean of The Graduate School distributes a request for nominations early in the fall semester, and the award is typically announced in the final week of the semester.
Faculty at any University of Connecticut campus may be nominated for the Edward C. Marth Mentorship Award. To be eligible for the award nominees must: (a) be current members of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Connecticut, (b) have served as a member of the Graduate Faculty for at least 10 years, and (c) be current members of the AAUP UConn Chapter. Prior recipients of the award are not eligible.
Nominations should be submitted electronically to Martha Marroni (martha.marroni@uconn.edu) with the subject line “Nomination for Marth Award.” Nominations should be submitted as a single PDF document and contain the following elements:
- A nominating letter that is no longer than three typed pages. This may be from a director of graduate studies, Department Head, College/School Dean, administrator, or former graduate student.
- A minimum of two (and a maximum of four) letters of support written by former and/or current graduate advisees.
- No more than three letters from other UConn Graduate Faculty colleagues. If the Department Head is not a signatory on the nominating letter, then one of these letters should be from the current (or recent) Department Head.
- A 1–2 page statement from the nominee on their philosophy of working with and mentoring graduate students.
- A list of supervised theses and dissertations.
- The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae.
Awardees will be selected by a committee composed of graduate faculty (appointed by the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of The Graduate School) and at least one graduate student (appointed by the Graduate Student Senate). The award is accompanied by a $4,000 monetary prize and an invitation to speak at the doctoral Commencement ceremony.
For more information, contact: The Graduate School at gradschool@uconn.edu.
2024: Željko Bošković (Department of Linguistics)
2023: Diane Burgess (Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
2022: David Knecht (Department of Molecular and Cell Biology)
2021: Crystal Park (Clinical Pyschology)
2020: Preston Britner (Human Development and Family Sciences)
2019: Sandra M. Chafouleas(Educational Psychology Department)
2018: Maria Luz Fernandez (Department of Nutritional Sciences)
2015-2016: Elizabeth Jockusch (Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
2014-2015: Shareen Hertel (Department of Political Science)
2013-2014: John Mathieu (Department of Business Management)
2012-2013: Jc Beall (Department of Philosophy)
2011-2012: Dipak K. Dey (Department of Statistics)