Graduate Student Timely Topics Series

The Graduate School’s Timely Topics is a series of learning opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to engage with subject matter experts on topics relevant to graduate education. The recently added student track of this series features sessions that highlight University resources and supports, answer questions about academic processes and procedures, and provide strategies to help students successfully navigate their graduate career. All sessions are offered virtually.

Register for a SessionView the full student track schedule and session descriptions 

Fall 2024 Student Sessions:

How to Have Effective Conversations About Difficult Things in Graduate School and Beyond
Difficult conversations are just that: difficult. But they are a healthy, normal part of our relationships with others, including faculty advisors and colleagues. Having difficult conversations with faculty advisors and directors of graduate programs can be intimidating and overwhelming, particularly for new graduate students. Whether it is asking for feedback or discussing a conflict, the tendency can be to avoid the issue or possibly overact in a conversation. We will unpack why we sometimes avoid challenging conversations; discuss why they cause so much stress and anxiety; and identify strategies that will reduce stress and increase success in these conversations. While this session will be particularly relevant to communicating with faculty advisors, the challenges and strategies discussed will be applicable to multiple types of relationships. This interactive session is open to all graduate students and postdocs.

Date:  Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Time:  11am – 12pm
Facilitators:  Cinnamon Adams, Assistant Ombuds, Ombuds Office & Kimberly Curry, Director of Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Support, The Graduate School

Making Change: Your Finances, Your Future
In this workshop, you will have an opportunity to consider how your finances align with your goals. We’ll discuss goal setting and creating a plan for spending that will help you move closer to reaching them, saving, staying motivated, and ways to reduce expenses. Resource materials will be shared.

Date:  Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Time:  11am – 12pm
Facilitator:  Faye Griffiths-Smith, Personal Finance Educator, UConn Extension

Time Management: Getting the Most Out of a Limited Resource
Being successful in graduate school and beyond depends on your ability to manage your time efficiently. Come learn some techniques for getting what you need to get done while still having a life outside of work.

Date:  Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Time:  10am – 11am
Facilitator:  Rachel Prunier, Director of Teaching and Learning in the Life & Physical Sciences, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Accommodations: What Graduate Students and TA Instructors Need to Know
This session will discuss the accommodations process for students with disabilities, student and instructor rights and responsibilities, and student versus employment accommodations. The information shared will be relevant to both graduate students and Graduate Assistants who serve in a teaching/instructor role. Time will be available at the end of the session for participant questions.

Date:  Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Time:  10am – 11am
Facilitator:  Jennifer Lucia, Senior Associate Director, Center for Students with Disabilities

Register for a Session

Learn more about all of The Graduate School’s Timely Topics