We are delighted that you have chosen to continue your professional preparation by enrolling in a graduate program at UConn! As you get started, we want to support your transition to graduate school by providing a multifaceted virtual orientation experience designed to help your academic, personal, and professional success.
Online Orientation
All new graduate students are encouraged to complete our online orientation experience. It provides important information about academic and everyday life at UConn, and is the first step to ensuring your success and getting you connected to our community. Our online orientation materials include videos and modules designed to help you navigate the various opportunities at UConn in order to gain valuable skills and experiences to enhance your graduate education.
Need Help Accessing Online Orientation?
Welcome to your Orientation experience! Newly matriculated students will have access to the Graduate Student Orientation through your Application Status Portal. Our orientation materials include videos and modules designed to help you navigate the various opportunities at UConn in order to gain valuable skills and experiences to enhance your graduate education.
To access orientation:
- Log in to your Application Status Portal.
- Open your matriculated application.
- Select the Orientation tab.
- Navigate through the Orientation content which includes information about various aspects of your time on campus that will set you up for success!
Online Resources
Online Resources
Check out our online resources set up to assist you in getting started at UConn. You will find important information for incoming graduate students, including a check-list to help you get started. If you are also a graduate assistant, you will find links to information regarding important definitions, payroll information, appointment dates and more.
Other Orientations
In addition to Graduate Student Orientation from The Graduate School, other orientations may be applicable to you.
Teaching Assistants
If you are a Teaching Assistant (TA), you are expected to attend CETL's orientation.
International Teaching Assistants
If you are an international graduate student appointed as a TA and have never taught in the U.S. before, this recommended orientation will prepare you for your role as a Teaching Assistant.
International Students
If you are an international student, you will receive information regarding the orientation from International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS).
Departmental Orientations
Many departments have their own orientations covering department-specific content. Please check with your program for more details.