Announcements for Current Students

Run for the UConn Graduate Student Trustee Position

This fall, the Department of Student Activities will run a special election for the position of Graduate Student Trustee.

The current Graduate Student Trustee is unable to fulfill the Fall 2019 or Spring 2020 semesters of their term. This special election will elect a new Graduate Student Trustee to fulfill these remaining two semesters. A new election will take place in Spring 2020 for a new Graduate Student Trustee to serve in the position for the next two-year term.

All graduate students (including all regional and professional schools) are eligible to run for this position. Graduate students who are interested in campaigning for this special election need to submit an Intent to Run application due September 13th, 2019 at noon.

To find out more about the Graduate Student Trustee role and election, including position requirements, qualifications for candidacy, election timeline, and to complete an Intent to Run Application: please visit

Voting for this special election will take place October 1st, 2019 – October 3rd, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact Student Trustee Election Committee Chair, Krista O’Brien at

October Grad Gatherings

PuppyThanks to all who attending our Grad Gatherings Puppy Playtime event this October. We are grateful that North Star Dogs could partner with us to hold this event and hope to bring more dogs to campus again at some point in the future!

Tuesday, December 6th we will be holding another dog-themed Grad Gathering: Build-A-Husky. We will be in Student Union 304C from 5-6PM for folks to build their own stuffed animal husky while supplies last and enjoy some cocoa and cookies. We hope to see you there!