Teaching assistant Thao Hau answering students questions about different trees, shrubs and vines during a walk around campus
Forms for Prospective Students
Submit to The Graduate SchoolForms for Enrolled Master's Students
Submit to the One Stop Office- Defense and Final Thesis/Dissertation Approval
- Plan of Study for the Master's Degree
- Report on the Final Examination (Plan B Master's)
Forms for Enrolled Doctoral Students
Submit to the One Stop Office- Defense and Final Thesis/Dissertation Approval
- Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
- Plan of Study for Doctor of Education
- Plan of Study for Doctor of Musical Arts
- Plan of Study for Doctor of Philosophy
- Plan of Study for Doctor of Philosophy in Psychological Sciences
- Report on the General Examination for the Doctoral Degree
- Report on the Final Examination (DNP)
Forms for Enrolled Certificate Program Students
Submit to the One Stop OfficeForms for Enrolled Sixth Year Students
Submit to the One Stop OfficeForms for All Enrolled Graduate Students
Submit to The Graduate School- Application for In-State Tuition (change of residency)
- Graduate Assistant Supplemental Employment Approval Form
- Graduate School Appeal Form
- Graduate School Romantic Relationships Reporting Form
- Incomplete Course Agreement
- Incomplete Course Extension
- Late Drop Petition for Graduate Students (After the 11th week of classes only)
- Request for Alternate Completion Date
- Request for Extension of Conferral Deadline
- Request Reinstatement to Graduate Study or Reinstatement from Academic Leave
- Voluntary Separation Notification (Academic leave, program separation, and exiting the University. Students who wish to cancel enrollment, withdraw from the current semester, or discontinue a graduate program must complete an online Voluntary Separation Notification)
- Biographical Information Update Request
- Change of Graduate Major Advisor
- Excess Credit Authorization
- Student Enrollment Request Form (includes late add, withdraw from a course, section swap, independent study, audit requests)
- Transfer Credit Request
Forms for Faculty and Staff
- Academic Dismissal Form
- Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity Misconduct Reporting Form
- Annual Academic Review Template (Doctoral/MFA Students)
- Departmental Fellowship Award Letter Template
- GA Orientation Slides for Departmental Use (May 2024 version)
- Graduate Assistant Offer Letter Templates (Detailed information about graduate assistantship administration)
- Graduate Assistant Payroll Level Adjustment Request
- Graduate Assistant Supplemental Employment Approval Form
- Major Advisor Resignation Form
- Recommendation for Appointment to the Graduate Faculty
- Request External Advisor for Advisory Committee
- Request GradSlate Access
- Request Permission for Late Arrival to the Semester
- Resource List for Graduate Students and GAs
- Supplemental Description of Duties (SDD) Forms
- Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant Word doc templates
- Online SDD workflow (Detailed information and access request)