Academic Resources
Academic Resources for Current Students
Academics and coursework are the core of a graduate school experience. You can find resources for scheduling and changing courses, working alongside your advisor, changing your degree plan, and academic codes and policies.
Courses and Scheduling
Below are resources and forms for managing a single semester’s course schedule, including adding individual courses and support during a difficult semester. For assistance with retroactive adjustments, please contact
- Information about courses as well as the requirements of the University of Connecticut, its schools and colleges, and for the academic programs offered by them. Students must complete the degree requirements contained in the catalog as of the year they enter their graduate program.
Student Enrollment Request Form
- Use the Student Enrollment Request Form to register for courses after the tenth day of classes, withdraw from a course, change sections, submit an independent study request, change course sections, and more.
- Submit a petition to drop a course after the first eleven weeks of classes or the midpoint of a summer session course.
- Request an extension on the deadline to complete an incomplete course.
- Information about grades and grading policies.
- Certificates to confirm a student’s academic history and prove enrollment at a school.
- Submit a request to transfer credit earned at another institution or on another UConn career (for example, non-degree).
- Information about internship course options for academic credit.
An academic advisor can be a great source of knowledge and guidance. These resources can help prepare for important advisement meetings and navigate challenges.
The Graduate Catalog - Advisory System
- An overview of advisory committees at the University of Connecticut.
- Submit a request to change your academic advisor.
- Information on how to view your progress towards completing your graduate program’s academic requirements. (Note: advisement reports are not utilized in all programs.)
- With your advisor, map out the specific courses you need to take in order to complete your academic degree program.
- After you have successfully completed your Dissertation Proposal, the appropriate form must be submitted to Degree Audit to add your milestone to your record
- If you are facing academic or personal challenges, reach out to our Director of Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Support for assistance.
Center for Students with Disabilities
- Learn about the accommodations process, the types of accommodations available, and how to connect with the Center for Students with Disabilities to obtain them
Graduate Student Mentoring: A Mentee's Guide
- As a mentee, you can learn from and connect with various faculty during your degree program. This guide outlines best practices for graduate students in their role as mentees at UConn.
Graduate Degree Planning
These are resources for updating your path towards a graduate degree, especially for the adjustments that go beyond a single semester.
Biographical Changes, Address Change, Name Change, SSN# Change
- Update your person information on file with the University.
Steps to a Successful Graduation
- Stay on track towards graduation with the Steps to a Successful Graduation guide.
Request for Extension of Conferral Deadline
- Submit a request to extend the time limit for you to complete your degree program.
- Information outlining the steps, policies, and procedures for voluntarily separating from the University and taking a leave of absence from graduate studies.
Request for Reinstatement to Graduate Study or Reinstatement from Academic Leave
- Submit a request to return to graduate study.
Academic Codes and Policies
Each of the following documents are the University’s official guidelines on graduate education. They can be a great resource for reference, but for any ambiguous challenges, be sure to talk to your advisor or reach out to the GSPA team.
Policy on Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct (ASPIM)
- Review the University of Connecticut’s policy on Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct.
- Complete the mandatory, one-time online interpersonal violence prevention training to remove the hold on your registration.
- Overview on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), which affords students certain rights concerning their student education records.
- Rules and expectations for students and organizations at the University.
Termination of Status and Academic Dismissal
- Policies and procedures regarding the termination of status or dismissal from The Graduate School.
- A graduate student may file an appeal with The Graduate School when they disagree with actions taken or academic consequences imposed by an individual faculty member, graduate program, department, school, or college and when all good faith efforts to resolve their concern either through direct communication with the individual(s) involved or through applicable procedures in the graduate program, department, school, or college have failed.
Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence
- Information concerning the University of Connecticut’s Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Interpersonal Violence.