
Fall 2025 Research Apprenticeship Program

Application Due: April 4, 2025

UConn graduate students who are interested in mentoring early career undergraduate students to assist them in the graduate student’s research are invited to submit a proposal for consideration. Selected proposals will be used to create an undergraduate research opportunity based on the information provided by the graduate student.


The Research Apprenticeship Program provides graduate students with research assistance and experience in mentoring. Early-career undergraduate students who have little or no prior research experience a pathway to involvement in research with a PhD student mentor. Each graduate student will be paired with one undergraduate student during Fall 2025 to work together on a research project proposed by the graduate student. To apply: Research Apprenticeship Program.


Research Apprenticeship Program Details

    • Graduate students must have a viable research project with which they need assistance and the ability to provide training to the undergraduate students.
    • Graduate students must be available to mentor the student apprentice over the semester and provide a substantive learning experience that allows students to develop foundational research skills and gain a greater understanding of the research process as they work on a concrete research project.
    • This program is intended to foster new undergraduate/graduate student connections. Graduate student mentors agree to select a student they are not currently working with and/or have not previously worked with in a research capacity.


Compensation and Hours

    • Research apprentices earn up to $500, paid as a stipend. To earn the full $500 award, apprentices will need to dedicate approximately 32 hours over the course of the semester.
    • In recognition of the commitment to mentoring an apprentice, graduate student mentors will receive a $500 stipend at the end of the semester.
    • Research Apprenticeship Program apprentices are required to present their research at the Frontiers in Undergraduate Research Poster Exhibition in October or April.


To apply: Research Apprenticeship Program.


This program is supported by The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) in collaboration with the Center for Access and Postsecondary Success (CAPS)/McNair Program, Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP), and The Graduate School.


For questions about the program, undergraduate students may contact Dr. Micah Heumann, Director in the Office of Undergraduate Research, at and graduate students may contact Dr. Mary Bernstein, Associate Dean of The Graduate School, at

New Position Open: Director of Graduate Student Success

The Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) team of The Graduate School is seeking an energetic, collaborative, and creative leader for the position of Director of Graduate Student Success. To view the entire job description, see the list of qualifications, and apply for the position, please visit this page on the UConn Careers website. This job posting is scheduled to be removed at 11:55 p.m. Eastern time on March 26, 2025. 

Hagan International Scholarship 2025-2026

The Hagan International Scholarship is a worldwide competitive scholarship for graduate students.

Applicants must not hold U.S. citizenship, must not be over 24 years of age as of the Submittal Deadline, and must have received an acceptance letter for the upcoming fall semester from a college or university located in the U.S.

The scholarship provides up to $7,500 each semester for up to four consecutive semesters and can be used to obtain a graduate degree or to help pay for the first two years of a professional program.

A Free Workshop provides recipients with a practical understanding of important life skills not typically covered in the school curriculum.

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Must not hold U.S. citizenship.
  2. Must not be over 24 years of age as of the Submittal Deadline.
  3. Must provide a complete copy of applicant’s undergraduate Transcript showing the Award Degree.
  4. Must have received an acceptance letter for enrollment the upcoming fall semester from a college or university located in the U.S.
  5. Must be a first-time full-time student in graduate school or post baccalaureate professional program.
  6. Must be fluent in the English language and must provide a copy of applicant’s English proficiency test results.
  7. Must provide a Graduation Schedule prepared by the institution and approved by the Department Chair.
  8. Must contribute toward the cost of applicant’s education by working 240 hours from January 1 to September 1, prior to the start of the fall semester each academic year. Employment and/or paid internships must be performed under supervision for compensation. Work can be full-time or part-time.
  9. Must provide a copy of parents Financial Statement.

The submittal deadline for this scholarship is March 15, 2025. For more information, see this brochure. Please visit to submit your application and materials. Additional questions can be directed to


2025 Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

We are pleased to announce that The Graduate School’s Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship will begin accepting applications on February 1, 2025!

The Graduate School is committed to helping graduate students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals during their time at the University of Connecticut. In support of this goal, The Graduate School invites applicants for the Summer Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, which is intended to support the successful completion of the dissertation. Please review the eligibility criteria for this fellowship carefully before applying. This is a one-time $2,000 fellowship. If awarded, the funds will given during the summer term and paid through the Office of the Bursar. Please note that The Graduate School will validate each student’s status as of the Summer 2025 semester and are entitled to rescind the fellowship if a student has graduated or is no longer an active student.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The applicant must be a doctoral student in a program that requires a dissertation.
  2. The applicant must be an active student when they apply and are awarded. Students who complete their degree during the prior semester cannot be awarded.
  3. The applicant must have documented successful completion of the General Examination by submitting the Report on the General Exam.pdf to the Office of the Registrar’s Degree Audit team no later than February 28, 2025.
  4. The applicant must have documented successful completion and submission of the dissertation proposal by submitting the Dissertation Proposal form.pdf to the Office of the Registrar’s Degree Audit team no later than February 28, 2025.
    • The Dissertation Proposal form may be submitted to Degree Audit without IRB/IACUC approval. The milestone will be posted as “in progress” and that will satisfy eligibility for this application. IRB/IACUC approval must be submitted to Degree Audit when received so that the milestone may be updated to “complete” on the student record.
    • Students in the following doctoral programs may submit their application without having the Dissertation Proposal milestone on their account:
      • Business Administration
      • Communication
      • Clinical Psychology
      • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
      • EPSY – Research Methods, Measurement, and Evaluation
      • EDLR – Learning, Leadership, and Education Policy
    • The applicant is not eligible if they have previously received a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.
    • Students at UConn Health (with the exception of Public Health doctoral students) and UConn Law are not eligible to apply for this fellowship.

    Please note, while we hope to provide funding to all eligible applicants, fellowships are not guaranteed, as funds are limited and pending budgetary approval.

    The application period for this fellowship is February 1-February 28, 2025. Applications received outside of these dates will not be processed. You can access the application form and more information on this page.

    If you have questions regarding your eligibility for this fellowship, please contact before applying.

    Graduate Student Timely Topics Series

    The Graduate School’s Timely Topics is a series of learning opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to engage with subject matter experts on topics relevant to graduate education. The student track of this series features sessions that highlight University resources and supports, answer questions about academic processes and procedures, and provide strategies to help students successfully navigate their graduate career. All sessions are offered virtually.

    Register for a Session | View the full student track schedule and session descriptions

    Spring 2025 Student Sessions

    Seeking External Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities
    UConn’s Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships (ONSF) advises and mentors students seeking prestigious, nationally-competitive scholarships and fellowships. In this session, staff from ONSF will discuss several specific opportunities that might be of interest to both early- and late-career graduate students (e.g., NSF-GRFP and Fulbright), and highlight resources to help graduate students from all backgrounds identify opportunities for which they might be eligible.

    Date:  Wednesday, January 29, 2025
    Time:  11am – 12pm
    Facilitator:  Vin Moscardelli, Director, Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships


    Getting to Conferral: Master’s Degrees and Graduate Certificates
    This session will discuss the Office of the Registrar’s degree audit process for master’s degrees and graduate certificates, including 6th Year Certificate programs. Degree Audit staff will share auditing terms and timeline, degree requirements for Plan A and Plan B, as well as the thesis submission process. Time will be available at the end of the session for participants’ questions.

    Date:  Wednesday, February 12, 2025
    Time:  11am – 12pm
    Facilitators:  Sandra Cyr, Master’s Degree and Graduate Certificate Programs Registrar Specialist


    Getting to Conferral: Doctoral Degrees
    This session will discuss the Office of the Registrar’s degree audit process for doctoral (Ph.D.) students. Degree Audit staff will share auditing terms and timeline, degree requirements, the master’s on the way process, and the dissertation submission process. Time will be available at the end of the session for participants’ questions.

    Date:  Wednesday, February 12, 2025
    Time:  2pm – 3pm
    Facilitators:  Jenn Horan, Doctoral Degree Registrar Specialist


    Promoting Mental Health
    This informative and interactive workshop will increase graduate students’ knowledge of the range of mental health resources on campus as well as helpful self-care and stress management strategies.

    Date:  Wednesday, March 5, 2025
    Time:  11am – 12pm
    Facilitator:  Alyson Faires, Staff Psychologist, SHaW Mental Health


    Building Financial Credit and Dealing with Debt
    In this workshop, we’ll discuss financial credit, credit scoring, and how to use credit wisely. Further, we will also talk about dealing with debt and what to do when you can’t pay your bills. This workshop will be provided by the UConn Financial Education Program.

    Date:  Wednesday, April 2, 2025
    Time:  11am – 12pm
    Facilitator:  Faye Griffiths-Smith, Personal Finance Educator, UConn Extension

    Register for a Session

    Learn more about all of The Graduate School’s Timely Topics

    “Distinguished Graduate Fellows” and “Impact Scholars” Programs

    Official guidance on The Graduate School’s new Distinguished Graduate Fellows and Impact Scholars fellowship programs for incoming students has been made available to the Executive Committee of The Graduate School, the Graduate Faculty Council, Department Heads, Directors of Graduate Studies, Graduate Student Administrators, Associate Deans for Graduate Education, and Academic Deans. Please reach out to those groups or from The Graduate School for access to this guidance.

    Spring 2025 Conference Participation Award

    We are pleased to announce that The Graduate School’s Conference Participation Award (formerly the Doctoral Student Travel Award) will be accepting applications from December 1, 2024, through January 15, 2025.

    The Graduate School is committed to helping graduate students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals during their time at the University of Connecticut. In support of this goal, The Graduate School offers a Conference Participation Award to support students’ ability to present their research at national or international meetings and conferences, including both in-person and virtual events. This conference participation fellowship in the amount of $750 will be awarded for Spring 2025 and paid through the student’s fee bill. If awarded, students will be notified in mid-February. Please review the eligibility criteria for the fellowship carefully before applying.

    Students are responsible for knowing any and all travel advisories, restrictions, and relevant University policies and should plan accordingly. Students should stay up to date with information shared by the U.S. Department of State and the University’s Travel Services office.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    • The applicant must be a doctoral or MFA student.
    • The applicant must be enrolled in the semester for which the fellowship is awarded, e.g., spring semester for applications due by January 15.
    • The applicant must have successfully completed at least 30 credits toward their degree program prior to applying for this fellowship unless their program requires less than 30 credits with a prior master’s degree.
      • If a student has attained a master’s degree from another university and their program only requires 15 doctoral credits with a master’s degree, they qualify for eligibility upon completion of all 15 credits.
    • The applicant is not eligible if they have previously received a Doctoral Student Travel Award or Conference Participation Award.
    • The funds are intended to be used for participation in a conference at which the student is presenting their research.
    • Students at UConn Health and UConn Law are not eligible for this award.

    Please note, fellowships are not guaranteed, as funds are limited and pending budgetary approval. We hope to provide funding to all eligible applicants, but eligible students who are not awarded in this cycle will be encouraged to apply in the next cycle.

    The deadline for application is January 15, 2025. Applications received following this date will not be considered. You can access the application form and more information here: Conference Participation Award | The Graduate School (

    WiSFiRE: Women in STEM Frontiers in Research Expo

    Join us for the fourth annual WiSFiRE conference, a one-day event featuring technical talks, a career panel and networking opportunities with women faculty in STEM at UConn. Come hear about their exciting research and how they have built their scientific careers!

    Featuring faculty from the College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Pharmacy, as well as alumni.

    Free and open to all undergraduate and graduate students.


    Keynote Speakers

    • Dr. Nora Berrah – Physics, University of Connecticut
    • Dr. Gosia Chwatko – Chemical Engineering, University of Kentucky and B.S., Chemical Engineering, 2015 (UConn)


    Event Information

    • Date: September 20, 2024
    • Time: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
    • Location: Student Union Ballroom, UConn Storrs Campus


    Register at:

    Welcome Graduate Students!

    Dear UConn Graduate Students,

    Welcome to UConn at the start of another academic year. During this semester, you may be pursuing advanced credentials in one of our graduate professional schools or engaging in research as you work towards a master’s or Ph.D. degree. Simultaneously, you may be working on or off campus, including by teaching, training, or mentoring other UConn students. Through your various roles, you are advancing UConn’s institutional goals. Thank you for the many contributions you will continue to make on behalf of UConn.

    By virtue of your many roles, both professional and personal, you may feel pulled in different directions this year. You are a valued member of our academic community with important obligations to others. But do not forget that you came to UConn primarily to learn, to train, and to be mentored yourself. First and foremost, you are a student. I encourage you to keep your own academic, professional, and personal goals clear in your mind as you face the challenges ahead.

    And speaking of challenges, please also keep in mind that The Graduate School is here to help you, together with our partners in the schools and colleges and various student support offices at UConn. The Graduate School has dedicated staff to assist graduate students who are facing academic, interpersonal, or other challenges. So please reach out. Below, I list some reminders and helpful links.

    Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and successful academic year.


    Leslie M. Shor

    Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

    Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of The Graduate School





    Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Affairs, The Graduate School

    All new graduate students are encouraged to complete an online orientation experience. The orientation provides important information about academic and everyday life at UConn and is the first step to ensuring your success and getting you connected to our community. Our online orientation materials include videos and modules designed to help you navigate the various opportunities at UConn and to help you gain valuable skills and experiences that will enhance your graduate education. To access orientation: 1) Log in to your Application Status Portal; 2) Open your matriculated application; and 3) Select the Orientation tab.

    Current students should bookmark our Resources for Current Students page where you can find information on Guidance and Support, Career Support, Financing, and Getting Involved.

    The Graduate School’s Network for Enriched Mentorship (NEM) is a UConn-wide interdisciplinary mentoring network, open to all graduate students, but with a special focus on minoritized graduate students and those who come from backgrounds that may disadvantage them. Through NEM, graduate students can find mentors to help them navigate issues that arise outside of their coursework and dissertations. We hope that by connecting students with mentors who have experience navigating obstacles (e.g., systemic bias, personal hardship, alternative career trajectories), or who can be effective and accountable allies, more students will feel supported and empowered in their graduate careers and beyond. Graduate students interested in NEM should  sign up to be a mentee!

    The Graduate School’s Fall Timely Topics Series now includes sessions specifically designed for graduate students. These sessions focus on financial literacy, time management, how to have effective conversations about difficult things, and information about accommodations through the Center for Students with Disabilities that will be relevant to both graduate students and graduate students who hold a TA role.

    The Graduate School staff is available to answer questions about both academic and non-academic resources that are available to graduate students and advise on strategies for navigating challenges.  If you need additional support, email and a staff member will help you.


    The Student Code

    Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code has been updated recently, as were policies for Posting Signs, holding Outdoor Activities, and utilizing Amplified Sound. The updates were done primarily to lend clarity to policy, rather than to establish new rules. If you are planning any gatherings, or posting signs, we strongly encourage you to consult Student Activities, or your Campus Dean, and review these policies. Students should also be aware of InForm which collects UConn reporting and support resources.


    Graduate Student Senate (GSS)

    The Graduate Student Senate is a representative body comprised of and serving graduate students at UConn. Contact GSS directly for more information.

    Upcoming GSS meetings:

    • Orientation Meeting-Mandatory In-Person Meeting for all New and Returning GSS Members-September 18, 2024, 6-8PM in Student Union 221
    • Regular GSS Meetings- September 25, 2024, 6-8PM in Student Union 221


    Center for Students with Disabilities

    Graduate students may want to explore the possibility of accessing accommodations with the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD). To begin the process of requesting accommodations, visit and click on the MyAccess button to get registered. You will then be assigned to work with a Disability Services Provider who will engage with you to discuss your concerns and appropriate accommodations. Students requesting accommodations will need to provide supporting documentation. Please share the guidelines with your external medical, psychological, or educational professional to obtain appropriate documentation. Contact Timothy Smagacz, Program Assistant, at (860) 486-2020 or with questions regarding documentation.


    Student Health and Wellness – Mental Health

    For Storrs students (undergrad or graduate) who pay the SHaW fee, students may access SHaW-MH by calling 860-486-4705 or by scheduling a screening appointment here. SHaW provides mental health services to promote the emotional, relational, and academic potential of undergraduate and graduate students. SHAW-Mental Health offers:

    • Rapid access screening appointments
    • Emergency/Crisis assessment
    • Individual and group therapy
    • Medication management
    • Mindfulness/Meditation/Yoga workshops
    • Referral and off-campus support services

    Regional campus students (undergrad or graduate) seeking mental health resources will find campus-specific contact information here.

    Medical, dental and graduate students at UConn Health will find mental health evaluation and treatment resources here.


    Ombuds Office

    The UConn Ombuds Office serves as a neutral resource providing confidential and informal assistance to members of the UConn and UConn Health community. Professional and graduate students may meet with an ombuds officer to express concerns, identify options to address workplace conflicts, facilitate productive communication, and surface responsible concerns regarding university policies and practices.

    Fall 2024 Conference Participation Award

    We are pleased to announce that The Graduate School’s Conference Participation Award (formerly the Doctoral Student Travel Award) will be accepting applications from June 1 through June 30, 2024.

    The Graduate School is committed to helping graduate students achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals during their time at the University of Connecticut. In support of this goal, The Graduate School offers a Conference Participation Award to support students’ ability to present their research at national or international meetings and conferences, including both in-person and virtual events. This conference participation fellowship in the amount of $750 will be awarded for Fall 2024 and paid through the student’s fee bill. If awarded, students will be notified in late-July. Please review the eligibility criteria for the fellowship carefully before applying.

    Students are responsible for knowing any and all travel advisories, restrictions, and relevant University policies and should plan accordingly. Students should stay up to date with information shared by the U.S. Department of State and the University’s Travel Services office.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    • The applicant must be a doctoral or MFA student.
    • The applicant must be enrolled in the semester for which the fellowship is awarded, e.g., fall semester for applications due by June 30.
    • The applicant must have successfully completed at least 30 credits toward their degree program prior to applying for this fellowship unless their program requires less than 30 credits with a prior master’s degree.
      • If a student has attained a master’s degree from another university and their program only requires 15 doctoral credits with a master’s degree, they qualify for eligibility upon completion of all 15 credits. A list of those programs can be found here.
    • The applicant is not eligible if they have previously received a Doctoral Student Travel Award or Conference Participation Award.
    • The funds are intended to be used for participation in a conference at which the student is presenting their research.
    • Students at UConn Health and UConn Law are not eligible for this award.

    Please note, fellowships are not guaranteed, as funds are limited and pending budgetary approval. We hope to provide funding to all eligible applicants, but eligible students who are not awarded in this cycle will be encouraged to apply in the next cycle.

    The deadline for application is June 30, 2024. Applications received following this date will not be considered. You can access the application form and more information here.