Resources for Current Students
As you continue on your graduate student journey, there will be opportunities and challenges along your path. We created this repository of resources to help current students at all stages of their graduate journey. There are links to important forms, student services, and communities on campus. We hope these resources will foster academic, professional, and personal growth.
Academics and coursework are the core of a graduate school experience. You can find resources for scheduling and changing courses, working alongside your advisor, changing your degree plan, and academic codes and policies.
Quick Links
Registrar Forms (Student Enrollment Request Form, Change of Advisor...)
Voluntary Separations (Academic Leave, Exit, Program Separation...)
Guidance and Support
When navigating individual challenges, it’s helpful to have someone to talk to or reference a specific piece of information. Access contact info for The Graduate School colleagues who can help design solutions, and find official policies that can answer common questions about university codes of conduct
Career Support
The Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills provides programs and services that are designed for graduate students. Learn more about career events, resources, and communities.
Learn more about the different available resources for funding your graduate student experience. This page can connect you with answers for questions you may have surrounding graduate assistantships, financial aid, fellowships, and awards.
Getting Involved
An overview of different communities at UConn. Stay connected with us at The Graduate School, find calendars for different events and gatherings, and connect with the diverse organizations and communities that are here to support you.