Graduate Faculty Council
The Graduate Faculty Council is the legislative body of The Graduate School, representing the Graduate Faculty at large. It establishes academic policy for graduate education (except for those areas reserved to the Board of Trustees, to the University Senate, or to the faculties of other colleges and schools). The members are selected to represent academic departments or other academic units (such as interdisciplinary centers or institutes) offering graduate fields of study. Each department/unit selects one member to represent it on the Graduate Faculty Council, as well as an alternate who will temporarily perform the duties of the representative when the representative is not able to perform those duties. The membership also includes two graduate students chosen by the Graduate Student Senate. All appointments are made on a yearly basis. The President, the Provost, the Dean of The Graduate School, and other administrative officers of The Graduate School are nonvoting ex officio members of the Graduate Faculty Council. Meetings are held monthly during the academic year.
The Graduate Faculty Council provides leadership in developing academic policies that promote effective programs of graduate education. It exercises legislative authority in such areas as the establishment of minimum criteria for admission to The Graduate School and minimum curricular and degree requirements. It also approves, on behalf of the Graduate Faculty members, conferral of degrees for students certified by the Dean to have completed graduation requirements.
Executive Committee of The Graduate School
The Executive Committee of The Graduate School has both executive and advisory responsibilities to the Dean of The Graduate School. It is comprised of nine members, each serving a three-year term. The membership of the Executive Committee is drawn from both the Graduate Faculty Council (six members) and from the Graduate Faculty at large (three members). The members representing the Graduate Faculty Council are elected by the Graduate Faculty Council, while those representing the Graduate Faculty at large are appointed by the Dean of The Graduate School. The Dean, who serves as chair of the Executive Committee, and other administrative officers as appointed by the Dean, hold ex officio membership.
The Executive Committee advises the Dean on matters of policy and regulatory interpretation as these may affect the administration and status of graduate education at the University. The Executive Committee has primary responsibility for evaluating for academic merit proposals for creation, modification, or elimination of fields of study, areas of concentration, and all associated degree and certificate programs. It also approves graduate courses that are Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory (S/U) graded and serves as the Courses and Curriculum Committee for some cross-college interdisciplinary programs.